Create a vibrant action-adventure scene inspired by "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time." Centered on Navi, the glowing fairy, her delicate, translucent wings shimmering with ethereal light, illuminating the dark, enchanted forest of Kokiri. Surround her with lush, emerald-green foliage and ancient, moss-covered trees, their gnarled branches creating a mystical canopy. In the background, hint at the silhouette of Link, clad in his iconic green tunic and pointed cap, wielding the Master Sword, its blade glinting under a soft, magical glow. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of wonder and adventure, as shafts of light pierce through the canopy, casting enchanting patterns on the forest floor. Incorporate elements like floating, sparkling orbs to emphasize the magical essence of the setting, evoking nostalgia and a sense of exploration. The overall mood is whimsical yet heroic, capturing the timeless spirit of the beloved game.
Follow these four easy steps to create your perfect image using Flux Prompt.