In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, a flickering holographic butterfly flutters amidst a chaotic backdrop of neon lights and electric storms, its iridescent wings shimmering in hues of electric blue and vibrant magenta. The air crackles with energy as lost souls, their forms translucent and ethereal, drift aimlessly through the rain-soaked streets, illuminated by the pulsating glow of towering digital billboards. The butterfly, a beacon of hope, weaves gracefully through the chaos, trailing a faint luminescent aura that casts shadows on the slick pavement. Around them, towering skyscrapers loom, adorned with glitching advertisements and tangled wires, while the distant hum of machinery resonates like a heartbeat. The atmosphere is thick with a sense of urgency and longing, as the souls, dressed in tattered remnants of a forgotten era, reach out toward the butterfly, their expressions a mixture of despair and yearning, caught in the electric chaos of a world that never sleeps.
Follow these four easy steps to create your perfect image using Flux Prompt.
Choose the ideal model to enhance your work efficiency and unleash your creativity.
Flux 1.1 Pro, developed by Black Forest Labs, is a cutting-edge generative model that boosts performance with six times faster image generation, superior image quality, and improved prompt compliance and output diversity.
Flux.1 Dev is an open-source AI painting model from the FLUX series, created by Black Forest Labs. It significantly enhances image quality and speed, excelling in detail handling for human features and text embedding.
Flux.1 Pro, designed by Black Forest Labs, is an advanced text-to-image model that generates high-quality, realistic images and clear text. It offers flexible versions for developers and commercial applications, making it perfect for various creative projects.
Flux.1 Schnell is an open-source AI image generation model by Black Forest Labs that rapidly produces stunning images in just 1 to 4 steps. It outperforms competitors like Midjourney and DALL·E 3, making it ideal for art, advertising, and game development.
Experience Flux 1.1 Pro Ultra, offering up to 4 times higher resolution for stunning image clarity. Generate high-quality images in just 10 seconds. This advanced AI model ensures fast creation with improved prompt adherence and diverse outputs.
Create the magic creative for the prompts with advanced tools in Flux AI.