In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis drenched in neon hues, a flickering holographic dragon, shimmering in iridescent blues and electric purples, soars gracefully above the maze of towering skyscrapers. Its translucent scales pulse with vibrant light, casting ethereal shadows onto the rain-slicked streets below, where the hidden underbelly of the city comes alive. Gritty alleyways lined with flickering neon signs and graffiti come into view, revealing a diverse crowd of shadowy figures clad in augmented reality gear, their faces illuminated by the dragon's glow. Steam rises from grates, swirling around the dragon's majestic wings as it weaves through the air, its eyes glowing like twin sapphires, scanning the city's depths. Above, a smog-choked sky is pierced by the dragon's brilliance, contrasting the dark silhouettes of derelict buildings and flickering advertisements, creating an atmosphere of wonder and intrigue amidst the urban decay.
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