In a sprawling cyberpunk cityscape, a flickering neon butterfly, its wings shimmering in iridescent hues of electric blue and vibrant magenta, dances through the dense shadows of towering skyscrapers adorned with pulsating holographic advertisements. Below, rain-slicked streets glisten like liquid glass, reflecting the kaleidoscope of colors from the butterfly's luminous form. Wisps of mist curl around flickering streetlights, casting an ethereal glow on the lost souls wandering aimlessly, their silhouettes blurred and ghostly against the neon backdrop. The atmosphere is thick with a sense of longing and mystery, as the butterfly flits gracefully, leaving a trail of sparkling dust that illuminates the path ahead. In the distance, a forgotten alleyway beckons, shrouded in darkness, where the faint echoes of whispered dreams intertwine with the soft hum of distant machinery, creating a haunting symphony that guides the wayward through the city's labyrinthine depths.
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