In a bustling cyberpunk metropolis, a flickering neon crosswalk glows with electric blue and vibrant magenta hues, casting a surreal light on the rain-soaked pavement below. Shadows of towering skyscrapers loom overhead, their glass facades reflecting a kaleidoscope of colors while holographic advertisements pulse and swirl in the background. Wisps of steam rise from grates in the ground, mingling with the scent of rain and oil, creating an atmosphere thick with anticipation. Lost souls, clad in tattered futuristic attire, shuffle through the chaos, their faces illuminated by the neon glow, revealing expressions of longing and despair. A lone figure, draped in a tattered trench coat, stands at the edge of the crosswalk, gazing intently into the distance, as if searching for a way out. The air crackles with energy, and the distant hum of hovercars adds to the cacophony, while the crosswalk's flickering light serves as a beacon of hope amidst the urban turmoil.
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