In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, a luminous data stream of electric blue and neon green flows like a digital river, illuminating hidden pathways through the shadowy urban labyrinths. Skyscrapers tower above, their glass facades reflecting the vibrant glow, while holographic advertisements flicker in shades of magenta and gold, casting surreal shadows on rain-slicked streets. A solitary figure clad in a sleek, iridescent jacket stands at the edge of the stream, their face partially obscured by a high-tech visor, eyes glinting with curiosity. Wisps of fog curl around their feet, and the air is thick with the hum of drones zipping overhead. Glowing circuit patterns pulse along the cobblestone alleys, guiding the way to secretive doorways adorned with bioluminescent graffiti. The atmosphere is electric, alive with the promise of discovery, as the data stream weaves through the city like a lifeline, beckoning the brave to follow its radiant trail into the unknown.
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