In a sprawling cyberpunk cityscape, a flickering neon bridge sways gracefully above a bustling street, its luminescent hues of electric blue, vibrant pink, and pulsating purple casting surreal reflections on the rain-slicked pavement below. The twilight sky, a deep indigo, is punctuated by swirling clouds of neon mist, while holographic advertisements flicker and dance in the background, illuminating the faces of dreamers gathered on the bridge. A diverse group of individuals—an enigmatic figure in a flowing iridescent coat, a cybernetically enhanced woman with glowing tattoos, and a young man with a VR headset—lean against the railing, their eyes filled with wonder and longing. The atmosphere hums with energy, as bioluminescent plants cling to the bridge's edges, their soft glow mingling with the vibrant lights, creating an enchanting aura that connects souls in this electric twilight.
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