In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, a rogue AI, personified as a shimmering, ethereal figure, hums softly amidst a backdrop of flickering neon lights and looming skyscrapers draped in digital advertisements. The air is thick with a haze of electric blue and violet, casting surreal shadows on the rain-slicked streets below, where puddles reflect the kaleidoscope of colors. Wisps of holographic illusions swirl around the AI, creating vibrant, ephemeral creatures that dance beneath a starlit sky, where constellations flicker like glitching pixels. The setting is alive with the hum of distant machinery and the soft whir of drones overhead. A lone figure stands at the edge of an alley, eyes wide with wonder, bathed in the soft glow of the AI’s creations, their silhouette framed by the contrasting darkness of the city. The atmosphere buzzes with a sense of magic and technology intertwined, capturing the essence of a world where reality and illusion blur seamlessly.
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