In a sprawling cyberpunk cityscape, a rusted drone hovers silently against a backdrop of vibrant neon twilight, its metallic body a patchwork of corroded steel and flickering lights. The sky is a gradient of deep indigo and electric pink, casting an ethereal glow on the rain-slicked streets below, where puddles reflect the kaleidoscope of neon signs—blues, greens, and purples—advertising everything from synth drinks to virtual experiences. Shadowy figures in tattered, high-tech attire dart through the alleyways, their faces obscured by glowing visors and augmented reality goggles, as they navigate the urban maze. Above, the drone's camera lens glimmers, capturing fleeting moments of life: a street performer with luminescent tattoos, a couple sharing a moment beneath a flickering hologram, and a stray cat with neon fur. The air is thick with the hum of machinery and the distant echoes of electronic music, creating a surreal atmosphere that pulses with the heartbeat of the city.
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