In a neon-drenched alleyway of a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, a digital specter, shimmering with iridescent hues of electric blue and violet, weaves through the dense shadows cast by towering holographic advertisements. Its form is ethereal, flickering like a glitching image, with tendrils of light trailing behind, illuminating the damp asphalt below. The air is thick with a haze of rain-soaked mist, reflecting the vibrant colors of the city—crimson reds and deep greens—creating a surreal atmosphere. In the background, a crumbling brick wall is adorned with cryptic graffiti, while the distant hum of drones buzzes overhead. The specter reaches towards a flickering neon sign, its translucent fingers brushing against the surface, as if seeking the lost identities of those who once roamed these streets. A faint glow emanates from its core, casting ghostly reflections on the puddles, revealing fleeting glimpses of forgotten faces trapped within the digital abyss.
Flux 1.1 Pro由Black Forest Labs开发,是一款尖端的生成模型,通过六倍加速的图像生成、卓越的图像质量以及改进的提示合规性和输出多样性来提高性能。
Flux.1 Dev是由Black Forest Labs创建的FLUX系列的开源AI绘画模型。它显著提高了图像质量和速度,在处理人类特征的细节和文本嵌入方面表现出色。
Flux.1 Pro由Black Forest Labs设计,是一款高级文本到图像模型,能够生成高质量、逼真的图像和清晰的文本。它为开发人员和商业应用提供灵活的版本,使其成为各种创意项目的理想选择。
Flux.1 Schnell是由Black Forest Labs开发的开源AI图像生成模型,仅需1到4步即可快速生成惊人的图像。它优于Midjourney和DALL·E 3等竞争对手,是艺术、广告和游戏开发的理想选择。
体验 Flux 1.1 Pro Ultra,提供高达4倍的分辨率,实现惊人的图像清晰度。仅需10秒即可生成高质量图像。这个先进的AI模型确保快速生成,改进了提示遵从性和输出多样性。
使用Flux AI中的高级工具为提示创造魔法创意。